Pekiti Tirsia Kali



TRI-ANGLE Combatives (TRICOM) is a Self-Defense and Close Quarters Combat system (CQC) comprised of techniques and tactics drawn from fighting systems.
Visit the official TRICOM website

The TRICOM systems specializes in 3 major areas, hence the TRI-ANGLE portion of the name. These 3 areas are:

  • Weapon and Counter Weapon Tactics from the Filipino Martial Arts, primarily Pekiti-Tirsia Kali.
  • Striking from arts such as Muay Thai, Boxing and Kali.
  • Grappling and Joint-Manipulations from arts such as BJJ, Wrestling and Kali.
Experience in these arts were put to the test by Jared Wihongi, a former Bouncer and street Cop at a time when he was contracted as a US Army Special Forces Combatives Instructor and working full-time as a Police Trainer and SWAT Operator in a major U.S. City.

Since those early days two decades ago, TRICOM has been adopted by some of the most elite police, military and executive protection organizations around the world. The TRICOM program was eventually opened up to civilian self-defense enthusiasts where the techniques and tactics have equal relevance.

TRICOM is a modular program intentionally designed to be relevant to your 'mission' whatever that might be. Over the years we've helped thousands of people become successful at completing their mission whether protecting yourselves and your loved ones, arresting violent criminals or conducting direct action missions in combat environments.

TRICOM has changed the face of Self Defense & Combatives training, and will continue to do so as our affiliate community grows. If you want to acquire the skills already vetted, trusted and utilized by elite special forces around the world, without having to go through years of training in the process - the answer is TRICOM.

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